Marvelous, Mysterious Truth! – 1 Timothy 3:14-16

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Truth is a precious, precious commodity, but oftentimes and sadly, it is a rare commodity in today’s world.  And we all want to know that we are being told the truth.  But sometimes the truth hurts.  Read more…

Called to Serve – 1 Timothy 3:8-13

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Reverent – men of dignity, seriousness, stateliness.    It is not that deacons do not have joy, that deacons do not have any fun in life.  From Acts 6 we read that deacons were Spirit-filled men.  And being so they had great joy in their lives… Read more…

Did They All Die In Vain – Deuteronomy 28

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There has never been but one chosen nation in all of history in the strict biblical sense of the word, and that nation is Israel.  Speaking of Israel, Moses wrote in Deut. 7:6: “For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth”… Read more…

Hooray for Mothers! – Titus 2:1-5

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I suppose that other than our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, there have never been any persons in history that have had more written about them than mothers…  Read more…

Leadership, Man Up! – 1 Timothy 2:11-3:13

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Years ago in my first seminary experience the president of that seminary made a statement that has stuck with me for 35 years.  It both challenges me and convicts me.  And it will do the same thing for any pastor or any deacon who is serious about his calling.  And the statement was, “Everything rises and falls on leadership”…  Read more…

God’s Design for the Godly Woman – 1 Timothy 2:8-15

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Several weeks before Easter we began a series of messages from 1 Timothy. And while not 100% comprehensive, 1 Timothy is the closest thing in the New Testament to a manual about how to do church… Read more…

The Highest Call – 1 Timothy 1

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If you had met someone yesterday that you had never met before at our new Foster’s meeting place, the Foster’s Supermarket, and they would have asked you, “What will you be doing tomorrow morning?”, you would have most likey said, “I’m going to church”…  Read more…

He Did It For You! – Mark 14:32-36, Hebrews 5:5-9; 11:11-15

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Last week we began a brief journey to the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ as we looked at the temptation of Simon Peter.  Read more…

Dealing With the Devil – Luke 22:22-34

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It was the night before Jesus died.  So many things were heavy upon His heart.  Read more…

Godly Living for a Gracious God – 1 Timothy 2:1-7

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Tomorrow I will conduct the funeral of our oldest member, Cola Mae Allred, the mother of Jack Dorsey.  Cola Mae turned 98 just a few weeks ago, and she lived a full and happy life.  She was saved on the same day as Jack and also her husband in 1962.  And in the very same revival her brother and his wife were saved.  But how times have changed in the last 98 years!   Today the population in America is over 300 million; in 1914 it was around 100 million.    Read more…